Bring a stack of magazines, a bottle of wine and… your dreams. In the past week, I’ve been invited to three different vision board parties. They’ve all been some version of the aforementioned. Yes, I cringed hard every time. But there’s something about the promise of a new year that brings out our instinctual desire to cut out aspirational photos of smiling couples, luxury clothes and dream homes from Vogue and Architectural Digest and pasting them around words like ABUNDANCE, LOVE and SUCCESS.
Maybe it’s actually seeing the endless possibilities in front of us or the enjoyment of free play—basically reverting to childhood— but vision boards have become incredibly popular this time of year.
I’m not much for New Year’s resolutions but I do love setting new goals constantly. Look, I’m a Capricorn. Since this is the first newsletter of the year, I thought I’d share my personal experience on how I create and more importantly, use vision boards all year round.
It’s an action board not a vision board: Maybe it’s just me, but I hate the term “vision board”. Something about it evokes the woo woo world of pseudoscience and faux YouTube gurus. If you like it, great keep it. But for the rest of us, I suggest renaming this practice as something more action-oriented that resonates with you. Personally, I like phrases like Goal Board or Action Board.
Go digital: Who really has a glue stick and sparkle paint? My board is digital, which makes it easier to save on my phone. Canva has over 20,000 templates so just go the easy route. And if you lack creativity, it’s literally paint-by-numbers and is already divided into important areas of your life like Love, Career, Money, Travel, etc.
Use the Reflect-Collect-Assemble strategy: This should be based in intention. I love this practice of self-reflection, intentionality and practical considerations. This is why vision board parties aren’t my thing. I need to create a quiet space where I have the time and privacy to introspect and to be intentional.
Choose a combination of big and small goals: I’m a big dreamer but whenever you’re goal setting, it’s important to balance realistic accomplishments with lofty ones. If you’re currently living on instant ramen to save money, putting “I am a billionaire right now” on your
visionaction board might feel so far-fetched that you become paralyzed and feel ashamed any time you see it. These goals should energize you, not make you feel terrible.It’s fine if you’re not visual: As a writer, I like words more than images. Shocking, right? This board doesn’t just need to be relegated to pretty pictures. Use affirmations, song lyrics, emojis, etc. Don’t feel confined by making this look overly aesthetic. It’s for you, not Instagram. Also, since print magazines don’t really exist (R.I.P. traditional media) you can find clip art online or even for sale.
Put your board somewhere you can see it: At least in the beginning, it’s important to see what you put down. It’s okay if you don’t want to broadcast your deepest desires to the entire world. Keep it in your phone. It’s there for you to see every day.
Feel it: When you look at your goals, feel what it’s like to have them accomplished now. Where attention goes energy flows isn’t just a nice mantra, it’s rooted in science. How would you think, act and feel if you already had your dreams?
Do it: It’s important to consider what actions you need to take. No, you can’t just manifest by throwing images and photos out into the universe and kicking back. Think about what small steps you can take, resources and mentors to enlist. Start by picking one or two of these actions (it’s usually easier to start with something realistic and within your control like reading an article or sending an email to a colleague for advice) and then go from there.
Make sure to track your progress: Regardless of how much you accomplish on your board, it’s intensely satisfying when you see how many actions you’ve taken this year.
The last advice I have comes from Lil’ Wayne. “Gs move in silence like lasagna'“. Regardless of how you feel about this particular rap lyric, I am a believer in showing and proving versus telling. You don’t need to announce your dreams and goals to anyone. Especially on social media a.k.a. everyone’s highlight reel. For some, having an accountability group of friends or family can help motivate them when they’re feeling down.
Whether you move like lasagna or not, I advise that you share your dreams and goals only with those that will help you accomplish them. Otherwise, let your success speak for itself.
Good luck! Wishing everyone a great 2025!